Male Health Screen
A Health Screen can be tailored to your specific need.
- Full and systematic enquiry into all aspects of an individual’s current health, lifestyle and medical history.
- Full and systematic examination of the major body systems, including central nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, abdominal and locomotor systems.
- Investigations:
- Full blood screen. This involves an analysis of the red and white cells within the blood and an analysis of the chemistry including aspects of liver function, kidney function, bone metabolism, blood sugar, cholesterol level and thyroid function plus iron status.
- Blood Pressure, Height, Weight, Body Mass Index and indicators of coronary risk related to body fat percentage, cholesterol and lifestyle factors, such as smoking.
- Urine analysis, particularly for abnormal constituents such as protein, sugar or blood.
- Simple test for Colorectal Cancer.
- Resting E.C.G. (heart tracing).
- Basic assessment of vision, including visual acuity and colour.
- Vitalograph assessment of lung function.
- Audiology, electronic testing of hearing acuity.
- Testicular and prostate examination.
- Blood test screen for Prostatic Cancer at an extra charge of £55 where it is clinically indicated.
- Chest X-ray at a charge of £91 where it is clinically indicated.
- Exercise E.C.G. as required at extra charge of £478 – done at Spire Hospital.
The production of a report within 10 working days which includes copies of all the results together with notes to aid their interpretation. The report would include a conclusion summarising the individual’s current state of health, lifestyle, and pointers for the future and assessment of any abnormal results together with recommendations, also a coronary risk assessment using the Dundee Protocol.
The detailed report is provided for the individual and also his G.P. if desired.
Cost from: £325.00 Estimated time of standard examination – 1 ½ hours.
Female Health Screen
A Health Screen can be tailored to your specific need.
- Full and systematic enquiry into all aspects of an individual’s current health, lifestyle and medical history.
- Full and systematic examination of the major body systems, including central nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, abdominal and locomotor systems.
- Investigations:
- Full blood screen. This involves an analysis of the red and white cells within the blood, and an analysis of the chemistry including aspects of liver function, kidney function, bone metabolism, blood sugar, cholesterol level, thyroid function and iron status.
- Blood Pressure, Height, Weight, Body Mass Index and indicators of coronary risk related to body fat percentage, cholesterol and lifestyle factors, such as smoking.
- Urine analysis, particularly for abnormal constituents such as protein, sugar or blood.
- Simple test for Colorectal Cancer.
- Resting E.C.G. (heart tracing).
- Vitalograph assessment of lung function.
- Basic assessment of vision, including visual acuity and colour.
- Audiology, electronic testing of hearing acuity.
- Chest X-ray if indicated, at extra charge of £91.
- Exercise E.C.G. as required at extra charge of £478 – done at Spire Hospital.
- Mammography at a price of £208, where it is clinically indicated.
- Breast and gynaecological examination is not usually performed.
The production of a report within 10 working days which includes copies of all the results together with notes to aid their interpretation. The report would include a conclusion summarising the individual’s current state of health, lifestyle, and pointers for the future and assessment of any abnormal results, together with recommendations.
The detailed report is provided for the individual and also her G.P. if desired.
Cost from: £300.00 Estimated time of standard examination – 1 ½ hours.