- Full history with particular reference to ongoing medical conditions and past sickness absence record over 5 years. Any other factors which may influence future sickness absence.
- General physical examination of major body systems including urine analysis (along lines of insurance examination).
- Short report to Personnel Manager within 3 working days commenting on medical fitness for employment.
- Urinary drug screen can be performed if necessary.
Time for examination 20 – 30 minutes.
pre-assignment abroad
- Full and systematic enquiry into all aspects of an individual’s current health, lifestyle, and medical history.
- Full and systematic examination of the major body systems, including central nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, abdominal and locomotor systems.
- Investigations:
- Height, Weight, Body Mass Index.
- Urine analysis for protein, sugar and blood.
- Full blood screen, including full blood count (red and white cells and platelets), biochemistry, electrolytes, liver function, kidney function, bone metabolism, cholesterol and blood sugar.
- Basic assessment of vision, including visual acuity and colour. Recommendation of more rigorous assessment of vision performed by an Optician, if not done in previous 2 years, for all those likely to be taking antimalarials long term.
- Resting ECG and respiratory function testing.
- A tropical blood screen for amoebic, shistosomal, echinococcal, leishmanial, toxoplasma and malarial antibodies will be performed if previous history of working in tropical country.
- Chest X-ray if indicated. Extra charge: £91.
- Should blood tests for visa requirements be necessary, then these can be done on site. 10 days should be allowed for the receipt of the relevant certificate.
- Immunisations checked and updated. Advice relevant to assigned country given regarding health risks and antimalarial therapy. Lifestyle advice given re Hepatitis, AIDS and Alcohol. All the vaccines that may be required are kept in stock, together with antimalarials.
- A letter is provided for the Personnel Manager within 5 working days commenting on the individual’s fitness for their proposed assignment together with confirmation of their immunization status. A report reporting on the individual’s fitness, major examination findings and copies of blood tests are sent to the individual concerned, if required.
Estimated time 1 – 1½ hours.